In exciting news for the local community, the sale of land at Clement Street, Gloucester to Anglican Care will be finalised in the coming days. This will enable Anglican Care to commence the design and construction of the $18 million purpose-built aged care facility to match the needs of the ageing community in Gloucester.
In August, 2015 Anglican Care was named the successful proponent of a robust and transparent tender process to accept the transfer of 60 aged care licences from Gloucester Hospital. Since this time, the official process of land selection and other regulatory issues have been finalised.
“We are very pleased to be able to move ahead with this project. While it has taken considerable time to get to this point, it was important that everything was ticked off and community consultation held prior to the sale being finalised,” said CEO Colin Osborne.
“Anglican Care is extremely excited to be able to offer our services to the Gloucester Community and we would like to thank Mid-Coast Council and Hunter New England Health Local Health District for their assistance. We get in to the fun stage of construction and design now,” said Mr Osborne.
Jodi Nieass, General Manager Lower Mid-North Coast Sector said Hunter New England Health is looking forward to continuing work with the Planning Team to guide the transition.
“While planning work continues there will be no change to the services provided by Hunter New England Health,” Ms Nieass said.
“We will continue to provide aged care as usual until the new facility is finished and ready to accept residents.
“We will also ensure that residents and their families are kept informed as planning continues.”
MidCoast Council is also looking forward to moving to the next stage with the project.
“MidCoast Council has enjoyed working in partnership with Anglican Care and is pleased that a number of outstanding issues in relation to the project have been able to be resolved to the satisfaction of all parties” said Council’s Director of Community Spaces and Services, Paul De Szell.
“We are looking forward to continuing to work with Anglican Care so that the benefits of the project can be realised for not only older Gloucester residents but also the broader community.”
So what now for the Gloucester Anglican Care development? The facts at a glance:
- Subject to DA approvals it is anticipated that the development will commence in the second half of 2017
- 68 bed residential aged care home
- Co-located retirement living option in Clement Street, Gloucester
- We expect that the site will also become a base for delivery of Community based home care packages
- The Gloucester Joint Aged Care Transition Planning Team was formed by Hunter New England Local Health District to guide the transition planning over the coming three years. The Planning Team consists of representatives from both Hunter New England Health and Anglican Care
- Once complete will contribute $4.5 million per annum expenditure into the local community
Colin Osborne together with Paul De Szel and Jodi Nieass will be available for interview and a photo opportunity
When: Thursday April 20
Time: 1.30pm
Where: Lot 40 Clement Street, Gloucester
Mr Osborne is also available for media and telephone interviews.